2 years agoTikTok_des parias. « Qui dit mère célibataire dit, relation sexuelle illégitime. Or, le sexe, c’estMISTERELIOTT
2 years agoMAEVA GHENNAM Bref tout ce que j'ai resulte de MON INFLUENCE sur les réseaux sociaux MES PARTENARIATMISTERELIOTT
2 years agoMAEVA GHENNAM est INNOCENTE elle dit être Degoutée_DUBAI POTTY PORTA_"La dépendance, ça reste, et çaMISTERELIOTT
2 years agoAya Robert_Dans la vie, les hypocrites sont des personnes « fourbes », qui ont tendance à donner uneMISTERELIOTT
2 years agoTu es un Gros Menteur Hypocrite et Trompeur_Faire semblant, jouer un rôle, prôner des règles qu’on nMISTERELIOTT
2 years agoCoachella Although she’s modest and told the crowd last weekend that she shouldn’t be headlining, EiMISTERELIOTT
2 years agoGood Morning Gorgeous Mary J H.E.R_"Bury a Friend," fans – especially those that had been waiting atMISTERELIOTT
2 years agoWonder Diamond Platnumz_The stunning Priscilla Anyabu looking red hot last night at the launch partyMISTERELIOTT
2 years agoTikTok vs Snapchat_A new Google Play Store policy coming into force is set to block third-party callMISTERELIOTT
2 years agoTIKTOK_He told em that for $20 he'd hit a back flip.. The close up at the end was unnecessary 😩😭MISTERELIOTT
2 years agoLol sleep of tongue Jay Z left Beyoncé Girls that date our friends after a break up this 4 u lam theMISTERELIOTT
2 years agoAya Robert_notre libre-arbitre est extrêmement limité puisque nos décisions sont conditionnéesMISTERELIOTT
2 years ago« Retour Yakro pour la campagne 2 Drogba_Kerozen fait 1 grave accident ses 2 voitures sont irrécupérMISTERELIOTT
2 years agoBURNA BOY_Yet at the time, many reasonable people were swept up in the delusion—as were the prosecutMISTERELIOTT
2 years agoBET AWARDS BURNA BOY_He recounts how, as the son of a Black mother and a White father, his biracialMISTERELIOTT
2 years agoBURNA BOY MUM aka Manager_Such is the nature of moral panics. What looks like obvious absurdity fromMISTERELIOTT
2 years agoBURNA BOY_After all, in South Africa, there have historically existed many gradations of whiteness aMISTERELIOTT
2 years agoIl s’agit de combinaisons chromosomiques anormales variables qui se traduisent par un mélange de tisMISTERELIOTT
2 years agoBURNA BOY Grammy Awards_Some moral panics are mysterious in origin. Others are the product of specifMISTERELIOTT
2 years agoLGBTQIA+ FOOTBALL WORLCUP IN QATAR 2022 HYPOCRISIE_Car vous êtes et nous sommes, encore, tous des meMISTERELIOTT
2 years agoSO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE_Jeremy their alone thought he was takin off his belt to do something "diMISTERELIOTT
2 years agoAYA ROBERT Ces renforcements peuvent provenir des modèles représentés par son entourage, des activitMISTERELIOTT