2 years agoExtreme weather cost the country $145 billion last year alone. And it’s not going to ease up.Irfaz
2 years agoDONALD TRUMP: “Our country is going to hell. And we’re going to Make America Great Again, Again.Irfaz
2 years agoMCCONNELL: "Actually, I haven't checked. We don't have a racial quota in my office..."Irfaz
2 years agoPSKAI: "The previous President also promised to select a woman for the Supreme Court...Irfaz
2 years agoAfter being seen maskless at NFL game, LA Mayor Eric Garcetti tells the media he wasn’t breathingIrfaz
2 years agoRon Reagan joined us to talk about how his father would be ashamed of what his party has become.Irfaz
2 years agoNYC MAYOR ERIC ADAMS: “I’ve got to get New Yorkers to eat a plant-based centered life.”Irfaz