3 years agoUS marine says he'll happily die before allowing the experimental covid vaccine into his body.IstillhavehopeVerified
4 years ago‘Experimental bio-warfare’: Melbourne anti-vax protesters condemn COVID vaccineTellMeSweetLittleLies
3 years agoDr.Emanuel Garcia: I will not take this experimental biological agent (COVID vaccine)TellMeSweetLittleLies
3 years agoDr. Elena Bishop: "It´s not a vaccine...This is experimental gene therapy"TellMeSweetLittleLies
2 years agoDr. Peter McCullough encourage outrage of family and friends of victims of the experimental vaccinesPatriotRants
3 years agoOhio judge mandates the experimental covid vaccine as a "Term of Probation"TellMeSweetLittleLies
3 years agoNeurologist reports memory problems as a side effect of the experimental covid "vaccine"TellMeSweetLittleLies
2 years agoDr. James Thorp: "The Pushing of this Experimental Covid Vaccine Globally is the greatest violation of medical ethics and against humanity ever".D33pKn0wl3dG3
3 years agoFact Check Jewish Owned Big Pharma Used Jew Owned Media To Peddle Bioweapons Disguised As VaccinesVictorHugoArt