1. "Hornet Nest Mod With Explosive Round Is The BEST, Fight Me!!!"

    "Hornet Nest Mod With Explosive Round Is The BEST, Fight Me!!!"

  2. "Andreja, That Grenade Was FREAKING Amazing!!!"

    "Andreja, That Grenade Was FREAKING Amazing!!!"

  3. "Naturally Invisible......Dinosaurs!!!"

    "Naturally Invisible......Dinosaurs!!!"

  4. "Found My Own Peronal Island On Rutherford III" (Deciduous Forest)

    "Found My Own Peronal Island On Rutherford III" (Deciduous Forest)

  5. "My Tiny Ship Tour, With Unique Interior Setup!!!"

    "My Tiny Ship Tour, With Unique Interior Setup!!!"

  6. "A Game Can Only Be Fun When You Wanna Have Fun..."

    "A Game Can Only Be Fun When You Wanna Have Fun..."

  7. "Which Pirate Vendor Sells This Boostpack???"

    "Which Pirate Vendor Sells This Boostpack???"

  8. "Is This The Equivalent of TRIP OVER AND DIE???"

    "Is This The Equivalent of TRIP OVER AND DIE???"

  9. "Such An Amazing Background Dialogue..."

    "Such An Amazing Background Dialogue..."

  10. "Came Across The Sexiest Caliburns During My Evening Drive..."

    "Came Across The Sexiest Caliburns During My Evening Drive..."

  11. "WARNING......Very Painful To Watch!!!"

    "WARNING......Very Painful To Watch!!!"

  12. "I Love Jumping On NPC Vehicles And Terrorizing NC..."

    "I Love Jumping On NPC Vehicles And Terrorizing NC..."

  13. "DIE DIE DIE DIE... Oh hey, Barret... DIE DIE DIE DIE!!!"

    "DIE DIE DIE DIE... Oh hey, Barret... DIE DIE DIE DIE!!!"

  14. "Sarah AKA THE FLASH Morgan!!!"

    "Sarah AKA THE FLASH Morgan!!!"

  15. "Did That Mannequin Just......Move???"

    "Did That Mannequin Just......Move???"

  16. "These Temples Can Be A Bit Annoying Sometimes..."

    "These Temples Can Be A Bit Annoying Sometimes..."

  17. "My Motorcycles Feel A Bit... Funky???"

    "My Motorcycles Feel A Bit... Funky???"

  18. "Damn, She Taking Those Bullets Like A Champ!!!" 🤣

    "Damn, She Taking Those Bullets Like A Champ!!!" 🤣

  19. "Bethesda Please Never Change LOL!!!"

    "Bethesda Please Never Change LOL!!!"

  20. "The Highway Ejected Me For Bad Driving..."

    "The Highway Ejected Me For Bad Driving..."

  21. "1,000,000 Ways to Get Flatlined in Night City!!!"

    "1,000,000 Ways to Get Flatlined in Night City!!!"