David Lindsay: "One of the recommendations that is going to come from the hearing – is anytime you protest, for longer than 2 days, it’s now going to be termed an occupation, where the government can bring in the Emergencies Act.
Australian Senator Alex Antic Warning: Government is ramping up plans for a social credit score future with the official release of "Smart Cities" Communist Australia on the horizon
2015 leaked recording of US State Department official Victoria Nuland discussing how Washington handpicked the post-coup Ukrainian government.This of course was once Soros had successfully orchestrated the colour revolution that overthrew the government.
Produced 100,000 COVID-19 Vaccine Doses In 2019 Before The 'Pandemic' Started. He recalls a conversation and said, that in 2019 he stated 'We need to make a billion doses next year, there's going to be a pandemic.'
Parasite-infested insects bred abroad, mixed into our food as flour. Forbidden as feed for farm animals, the people are supposed to eat it dutifully! "One mess after another"
World Health Organization Article 19-22 The Removal Of Your Rights: CONSTITUTION OF WHO. 7. Article 19. The Health Assembly shall have authority to adopt conventions: (LINK BELOW👇)