Biden: "The profound loss of the pandemic, over 100 people dead, that's 100 empty chairs around the kitchen table. We ended cancer as we know it. I don't know what the difference between breaking your arm & having a mental breakdown is.
They don't care if you suffer & die horrible deaths, as long as they got rich. "COVID has been one of the most profitable products ever... every 30 hours a new billionaire was minted during the pandemic"
Macron's minions are treating the people who are protesting against the high cost of living the same way they treat those protesting for freedom during the plandemic.
Quando Mattarella disse:'L'Italia quando è unita è un grande Paese' con le immagini random della gente durante la plandemia del COVID19 del 2020 che si scannava con chi non portava la mascherina o non era vaccinato..MERDALIA💩
The Big Guy Clown Show: "My professor, uh, well, look, my predecessor... We get thou, look, we you know, we now have, before the recession, before the pandemic... not a joke."
Great Reset | Biden Admin Negotiates Deal to Give WHO Authority Over US Pandemic Policies "Ideally the Response to COVID Should Be the Establishment of a Global Health Care System. COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under Your Skin." Yuval Noah Harari