1 year agoCan I dedicate my life without being a WaqfeNau, & how can I become the delight of Khalifat's eyes?QnAWithHuzoor
1 year agoWhat prayers does Huzoor make for the Italian people when he thinks about them while praying?QnAWithHuzoor
1 year agoIs someone with outstanding chanda arears eligible to take part in Jamaat elections?QnAWithHuzoor
1 year agoTo avoid adversities some people sacrifice goats to give as alms, is this in accordance with Sunnah?QnAWithHuzoor
2 years agoHow can one progress form the middle moral stage to that of Nafs-e-Mutmainnah the (Soul at rest)?QnAWithHuzoor
1 year agoIs it mandatory for us to wear an outer covering even if we wear loose clothes that hide our skin &QnAWithHuzoor
1 year agoIs it better for employed women to resign from work when they give birth to better raise their childQnAWithHuzoor
1 year agoHow can we guide our children who are being taught un-Islamic concepts at school such as gender is fQnAWithHuzoor
1 year agoWhat is the significance of Rukhsati & why are we not allowed to meet our spouse after Nikah beforeQnAWithHuzoor
1 year agoWhat is Huzoors guidance for those who have gone through a divorce & are scared to get married againQnAWithHuzoor
1 year agoWhat is beloved Huzoors advice on how we can maintain steadfastness during stressful times?QnAWithHuzoor
1 year agoWhat is Huzoors guidance for women who have to travel alone in relation to their studies or work?QnAWithHuzoor
1 year agoShould young graduates be quick to open their personal practices or should they seek a secure job?QnAWithHuzoor
1 year agoWhat qualities should a teacher try to instill in their students to help them recognize God?QnAWithHuzoor