1. In ALL of our STRUGGLES, as a PEOPLE, there are mysteries or knowledge found only in Jesus!

    In ALL of our STRUGGLES, as a PEOPLE, there are mysteries or knowledge found only in Jesus!

  2. “Embrace The Beauty of Collective Harmony” (Philippians 2:4)

    “Embrace The Beauty of Collective Harmony” (Philippians 2:4)

  3. You have to practice doing the things of the LORD, and CONTINUALLY giving him Praise to have Peace!

    You have to practice doing the things of the LORD, and CONTINUALLY giving him Praise to have Peace!

  4. Unforgiveness opens the door for the devil to come in and attack YOU!

    Unforgiveness opens the door for the devil to come in and attack YOU!

  5. Jesus will complete the work he started in your life, and will through others!

    Jesus will complete the work he started in your life, and will through others!

  6. The LOVE of Money or Greed will lead to the downfall of many people!

    The LOVE of Money or Greed will lead to the downfall of many people!

  7. Our Focus should be on the LORD Jesus, reject ungodliness, and the immoral desires of the world!

    Our Focus should be on the LORD Jesus, reject ungodliness, and the immoral desires of the world!

  8. The LORD Jesus had the nature of man in the flesh to destroy the works of the devil in our lives!

    The LORD Jesus had the nature of man in the flesh to destroy the works of the devil in our lives!

  9. This is the strategy for YOU and I to overcome with the EVIL days that are ahead!

    This is the strategy for YOU and I to overcome with the EVIL days that are ahead!

  10. The persecution coming against YOU will turn out for your deliverance, as You live for Christ!

    The persecution coming against YOU will turn out for your deliverance, as You live for Christ!

  11. You were adopted into the family of God, because the law held YOU into bondage to it!

    You were adopted into the family of God, because the law held YOU into bondage to it!

  12. The law has imprisoned us to our faith, whereas our faith has made us spiritually reborn in Christ!

    The law has imprisoned us to our faith, whereas our faith has made us spiritually reborn in Christ!

  13. You don't have to live for the traditions of men, but a new life in Christ!

    You don't have to live for the traditions of men, but a new life in Christ!

  14. As, You help others, the LORD will help YOU!

    As, You help others, the LORD will help YOU!

  15. The LORD is pleased when YOU walk by faith in his power, ability, and in his goodness towards You!

    The LORD is pleased when YOU walk by faith in his power, ability, and in his goodness towards You!

  16. The LORD will reward YOU when you help others, and there is always a blessing attached to it!

    The LORD will reward YOU when you help others, and there is always a blessing attached to it!

  17. The LORD will give YOU direction on what he wants You to do next!

    The LORD will give YOU direction on what he wants You to do next!

  18. The LORD will use multiple different ways to show YOU the direction to take next!

    The LORD will use multiple different ways to show YOU the direction to take next!

  19. Forgive, Comfort, and Encourage others to break free from sorrow, and combat attacks of the enemy!

    Forgive, Comfort, and Encourage others to break free from sorrow, and combat attacks of the enemy!

  20. What are some of the purposes that the LORD has revealed to You or spoken over your life?

    What are some of the purposes that the LORD has revealed to You or spoken over your life?
