The Mitch Glitch | This Song Is Dedicated to General Flynn & Every Other America That Has a Sound Mind And Is Asking, What the Hell Is Going On Inside the Minds of Joe Biden & Mitch McConnell!!!
WHO | "Negotiating Body Accepted a Draft of That Would Give the World Health Organization Broad New Powers. The Biden Administration Is Considering Joining This New Convention By Executive Agreement & Avoiding the Senate." - Sen. Johnson
TRUMP WAS RIGHT | "Hunter Biden Admitted In Court In July That He Was In Fact Paid Substantial Sums from Chinese Companies." - Jake Tapper (CNN) + Exposing Obama, Harari, Macron, Schwab & The Great Reset
Israel | Why Is the Man Who Calls Humans Hackable Animals, Yuval Noah Harari Leading the Largest Protests In The History Of Israel? Why Did Yuval Noah Harari State? "My Message to Benjamin Netanyahu: Stop Your Coup or We’ll Stop the Country"