1. Beautiful Japanese Hi Utsuri Koi fish #shorts

    Beautiful Japanese Hi Utsuri Koi fish #shorts

  2. Beautiful Japanese Goshiki Koi Fish #shorts

    Beautiful Japanese Goshiki Koi Fish #shorts

  3. Aquaponic blue gill (blue gill update after 3 months)

    Aquaponic blue gill (blue gill update after 3 months)

  4. Beautiful Japanese koi fish #shorts

    Beautiful Japanese koi fish #shorts

  5. Longevity spinach roots aquaponics #shorts

    Longevity spinach roots aquaponics #shorts

  6. TURTLE RESCUE - (Adding 3 rescued turtles to my 3000 gallon pond)

    TURTLE RESCUE - (Adding 3 rescued turtles to my 3000 gallon pond)

  7. Gardening competition video entry

    Gardening competition video entry

  8. Garden lettuce vs Aquaponics lettuce

    Garden lettuce vs Aquaponics lettuce

  9. Large soft shell turtle #shorts

    Large soft shell turtle #shorts

  10. Beautiful Japanese Ginrin Saragoi Koi Fish #shorts

    Beautiful Japanese Ginrin Saragoi Koi Fish #shorts

  11. Beautiful koi fish - Doitsu Ochiba #shorts

    Beautiful koi fish - Doitsu Ochiba #shorts

  12. Turtle yawning on a log #shorts

    Turtle yawning on a log #shorts

  13. Naked Neck Chicken #shorts

    Naked Neck Chicken #shorts

  14. Bluegill in my aquaponic filter

    Bluegill in my aquaponic filter

  15. Taro plant draining my aquaponics system

    Taro plant draining my aquaponics system

  16. Taro plant growing too big and too fast- (aquaponic system)

    Taro plant growing too big and too fast- (aquaponic system)

  17. Beautiful Japanese Orenji Ogon koi fish #shorts

    Beautiful Japanese Orenji Ogon koi fish #shorts

  18. Turtle going for a swim #shorts

    Turtle going for a swim #shorts

  19. Rabbit enjoying celery (turn the volume up) #shorts

    Rabbit enjoying celery (turn the volume up) #shorts

  20. Baby praying mantis- less than a day old #shorts

    Baby praying mantis- less than a day old #shorts