1. Man Arrested for Revealing Food Prices of the CCP's Government Canteen 上海政府食堂菜價曝光 傳爆料人因洩密被拘

    Man Arrested for Revealing Food Prices of the CCP's Government Canteen 上海政府食堂菜價曝光 傳爆料人因洩密被拘

  2. School Turned into Chaotic Quarantine Site, Boarding Students Squeeze in Classrooms 河北隔離點混亂 學生擠在教室中

    School Turned into Chaotic Quarantine Site, Boarding Students Squeeze in Classrooms 河北隔離點混亂 學生擠在教室中

  3. The CCP Gives US a New Name Before "Summit for Democracy" 中共未受邀「民主峯會」 大罵美國是「美離間禍衆國」

    The CCP Gives US a New Name Before "Summit for Democracy" 中共未受邀「民主峯會」 大罵美國是「美離間禍衆國」

  4. Inconvenient Truth Part 1

    Inconvenient Truth Part 1

  5. Hanover Teaser Trailer

    Hanover Teaser Trailer

  6. Clashes Between the Public and the Police after 9 days on Lockdown in Tianjin 天津西青區民衆抗議被封沒吃的被抓

    Clashes Between the Public and the Police after 9 days on Lockdown in Tianjin 天津西青區民衆抗議被封沒吃的被抓

  7. CCP's Armed Police Showcase the Power of Shotgun on the Day of Abe's Assassination 中共武警展示霰彈槍的威力

    CCP's Armed Police Showcase the Power of Shotgun on the Day of Abe's Assassination 中共武警展示霰彈槍的威力

  8. (English Titles Added) Kids in Communist China "Cosplay" Killing As Part of Homework 中共國兒童在家演習殺人

    (English Titles Added) Kids in Communist China "Cosplay" Killing As Part of Homework 中共國兒童在家演習殺人

  9. Stowaways Humiliated and Denounced for Causing Lockdown 广西百色偷渡者被遊街示衆 當地民衆稱他們害大家被隔離

    Stowaways Humiliated and Denounced for Causing Lockdown 广西百色偷渡者被遊街示衆 當地民衆稱他們害大家被隔離

  10. CCP Fan Urges Putin to Launch Nuclear Weapons 中共國小粉紅願捐錢讓普京儘快對英美法實施核打擊

    CCP Fan Urges Putin to Launch Nuclear Weapons 中共國小粉紅願捐錢讓普京儘快對英美法實施核打擊

  11. Grave of Miles Maochun Yu's Father in China Destroyed 前美國國務卿蓬佩奧首席中國政策規劃顧問余茂春父亲坟墓被毁

    Grave of Miles Maochun Yu's Father in China Destroyed 前美國國務卿蓬佩奧首席中國政策規劃顧問余茂春父亲坟墓被毁
