#36 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Fraudulent Elections Allow Demons To Control Our Lives. How Banks Steal Your Money! South Park's Stan Gets A Reality Check
12 year old girl expose the dystopian reality of 15-minute cities! To Klaus Schwab: “How dare you steal my childhood and my future, and the future of all children, by enslaving us in your crazy digital surveillance prison.”
We Are, and Will Witness More AND MORE [Particularly Incoherent and Frazzled] Pendulums as Earth's Arguably Harsh Transition Continues! Learn More About Pendulums in Relationship to This 3D Reality and Reality Transurfing (Link in Description Below).
2021 FLASHBACK: To His Credit Mike Tried, and Still is. BUT it's the Collectively Held [Vibration] That Dictates Reality — E.g.: Rooting for Mike (AKA Aligned with His Mission) Vs. Hoping Mike Saves the Day (Powerless Unless a Hero Succeeds).