1 year agoS4 100. Best Buddy Basil ~ Canary Cry Radio, Welcome to 💯 & A Strangely Fun Conversation.Millennial_Mustardseed
1 year agoMessage for the youth battling through tough moments today and stay on the right path. #mafiaMillennial's Choice
1 year agoThe importance of giving our children the option to afford a home. #government #propertyMillennial's Choice
1 year agoWhen the Cali Cartel was at the TOP!! #cartel #colombia #escobar #calicartelMillennial's Choice
1 year agoAnthony Ruggiano Jr. on his prison experience #mafia #mob #prison #america #newyorkMillennial's Choice
1 year agoCrossing Paths with Boss of Buffalo and being Fearless #podcast #mafia #mob @officialsammythebullMillennial's Choice
1 year agoWORKING TWICE AS HARD WHEN YOU HAVE A FAMILY #motivation #success #family #entrepreneurMillennial's Choice
1 year agoGAINING INSPIRATION FROM THE PAST #art #artist #success #entrepreneur #motivationMillennial's Choice
1 year agoADVERTISING A FALSE DREAM IN CANADA #canada #americandream #future #moneyMillennial's Choice
1 year agoInspiration from his Uncle and his passing sparked his Artistic Journey!! #motivation #artistsMillennial's Choice
1 year agoWORKING ON REPETITION TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS!! #artists #creator #success #art #artistMillennial's Choice
1 year agoAMERICA VS CANADA HOW SUCCESS IS MUCH MORE ATTAINABLE IN THE SOUTH #success #america #canadaMillennial's Choice
1 year agoMANY ARTISTS WILL HAVE A TEAM TO CREATE THEIR ARTWORK AND VISION #art #success #artwork #successMillennial's Choice
1 year agoColourblind Artist on his Struggles with his craft! #art #artwork #success #entrepreneurMillennial's Choice
1 year agoREGRETS FROM THE PAST AND THE OPPORTUNITIES IT BROUGHT TODAY #mafia #boss #america #policeMillennial's Choice