4 years agoPainful & discolored: Akron Children's Hospital reports about 20 cases of 'COVID Toes'WEWSVerified
1 year agoGreenville E.R. nurse: Pandemonium broke out with jab roll-out after hospital near-empty in 2020Biological Medicine
4 years agoNearly two months after COVID spike began, few Midwestern hospitals facing surge of COVID patientsJust the NewsVerified
9 months agoHospitals Murdered COVID Patients The more they killed, the more money they made.Asher Press
10 months agoShocking Healthy Whistleblower Cut Fingers and Hospital Secretly Inject Covid Vaccine Without Consent Instead of Tetanus Vaccinejess93
9 months agoHospital Homicides and Vaccine Injury Counted as Covid Deaths - John BeaudoinAlice Springs To MindVerified
10 months agoNOW - They're secretly giving Covid vaccines instead of tetanus in UK HospitalsFree Your Mind Videos
3 years agoNurses know that Covid patients are dying from government subsidized hospital protocolsApostolicConservativesVerified
1 year agoCovid-19 ICMR study: 6.5% Covid patients died within a year of hospital dischargeOne India English News
2 months agoMel Gibson Reveals He Couldn’t Walk for 3 Months After Taking Fauci’s Pet Drug for COVIDpepperpeep
2 years agoDr. John Littell KICKED OUT of Sarasota Memorial Hospital after testifying to Ivermectin!irnieracing
4 years agoAre Hospitals Overwhelmed with COVID-19 Patients? Citizen Films Inside of Empty Sibley HospitalThrivetime Show: The ReAwakening versus The Great ResetVerified
8 days agoChildren’s Hospital denies 12-year-old girl lifesaving heart transplant for refusing COVID/Flu shotpalmernpVerified
3 years agoDr. Mary Bowden shares her concerns about the current state of our hospital protocols. COVID-19: A Second OpinionWeThePeopleUSA
9 months agoTallaght Hospital Dublin has gone into COVID lockdown! FRAUD MEDICAL HOSPITALFree Your Mind Videos
1 year agoI had a patient, a 7-year-old, who died in our hospital after he received a covid vaccineJust Think: The Podcast
1 year agoDoctor seeing 50% increase in miscarriages, 50% decrease in fertility after COVID SHOTSBiological Medicine