1. Group of flamingos on the shore of a lake taking sunny bath.

    Group of flamingos on the shore of a lake taking sunny bath.

  2. These Flamingos Have Sweet DanceMoves |#flomingos |Susantha11 |flamingos birds

    These Flamingos Have Sweet DanceMoves |#flomingos |Susantha11 |flamingos birds

  3. Can you name this song, the group, the year in under 10 seconds? don’t look below at the copyright

    Can you name this song, the group, the year in under 10 seconds? don’t look below at the copyright

  4. Group of flamingos on the shore of a lake

    Group of flamingos on the shore of a lake

  5. Group of flamingos on the shore of a lake

    Group of flamingos on the shore of a lake