The Great Reset | "We Need to Overcome the Most Critical Fragmentation. We Must Overcome Those That Have a Negative, Critical and Confrontational Attitude." - Klaus Schwab
Dr Zelenko Tribute | "So Let The Calling Begin. The World Needs A Cleaning, And When The Process Is Done, The World Will Be Filled With The Knowledge Of God." Dr. Zelenko
CBDC | "We Need Some Sort of Digital Certificate. Because We Are Likely to Say to People Working In Nursing Homes, or Hospitals or Maybe Even Schools That They Need to Authenticate That They Have Been Vaccinated." - Bill Gates
Yuval Noah Harari | "People Don't Want to Hear That They Are Hackable Animals. We Need An Anti-Virus for the Brain. COVID Legitimizes the Deployment of Mass Surveillance Even In Democratic Countries and It Makes Surveillance Go Under Your Skin.&
CBDCs | "In the End You Need to Know Who Has Been Vaccinated and Who Hasn't Been." - Tony Blair (Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and a Member of the World Economic Forum)