1 year agoONLY JESUS GOD Offers Total Forgiveness For ALL Sin To Enter The Kingdom Of GODFor The Tribulation Saints
6 months agoHIDDEN in plain sight! Tom HANKS saluting the Baphomet in Forest GumpKnowledge Revolution
2 years agoCity of Babylon scene from Eternals movie [mystery Baybalon, why is that?] (Is 13:1-22)Prepare For The Apocalypse
1 year agomark of the beast (motb) in kids cartoon (2017-18) using 5G/6G mind controlPrepare For The Apocalypse
1 year agohow THEY will conduct the round-up, main denominator will be ChristPrepare For The Apocalypse
2 years agoNephilim/HaGibbororim/Gigantes Returning, The Giant is a ploy for acceptance. Gen 6:4, MT 24:37Prepare For The Apocalypse
2 years agoAwaiting the Promised King, He makes all believers Kings - (I Tim 6:15, Is 9:1-7, Rev 5:10)For The Tribulation Saints
2 years agoLonging for that New Day in Heaven - (Psm 84:10, II Pet 3:8, Rev 21:1-7)For The Tribulation Saints
2 years agosatinic modifided DNA, out of God's image - is this the goal? (Mt 24:38-39)Prepare For The Apocalypse