1. 4:20 in afternoon beach scene at the cocal casino jaco beach Costa Rica

    4:20 in afternoon beach scene at the cocal casino jaco beach Costa Rica

  2. Having a drink and showing the view in front of cocal casino jaco beach costa rica

    Having a drink and showing the view in front of cocal casino jaco beach costa rica

  3. Air-conditioned gym in jaco to workout at

    Air-conditioned gym in jaco to workout at

  4. Paradise - what does paradise mean to you? Where is it? What things make a place paradise for me

    Paradise - what does paradise mean to you? Where is it? What things make a place paradise for me

  5. Final day at cocal casino jaco costa rica

    Final day at cocal casino jaco costa rica

  6. Trying an authentic soda (restaurant) in jaco costa rica. the waitresses are all pretty like her

    Trying an authentic soda (restaurant) in jaco costa rica. the waitresses are all pretty like her

  7. They all know how to roll joints freehand. I love Mexico

    They all know how to roll joints freehand. I love Mexico

  8. Watching the dolphins play

    Watching the dolphins play
