4 months agoHoly Spirit Reveals To Me A Prophetic Picture While I Hike in The Beautiful Fall Colors of Pennsylvania On This ShabbatDnajlion7
1 year agoHow did IRENAEUS, the student of Polycarp, calculate the number of the Beast #beast #number #666BOOK OF REVELATION COMMENTARY
4 days agoMar 5 - Proverb of the Day - God Ponders All Your GoingsPastor Steven L. Anderson OFFICIAL RUMBLE
12 days agoFeb 25 - Proverb of the Day - Righteous Falling Before the WickedPastor Steven L. Anderson OFFICIAL RUMBLE
10 days agoFeb 27 - Proverb of the Day - Feb 27 - Proverb of the Day - You Can't Always Fix StupidPastor Steven L. Anderson OFFICIAL RUMBLE
9 days agoFeb 28 - Proverb of the Day - Big Government is a Punishment from GodPastor Steven L. Anderson OFFICIAL RUMBLE
14 days agoFeb 23 - Proverb of the Day - Speak Not in the Ears of a FoolPastor Steven L. Anderson OFFICIAL RUMBLE
15 days agoFeb 22 - Proverb of the Day - Cast Out the ScornerPastor Steven L. Anderson OFFICIAL RUMBLE
8 days agoMar 1 - Proverb of the Day - What Goes Around Comes AroundPastor Steven L. Anderson OFFICIAL RUMBLE
5 days agoMar 4 - Proverb of the Day - Forsake Not Dad's LawPastor Steven L. Anderson OFFICIAL RUMBLE
20 days agoFeb 17 - Proverb of the Day - The Father of a Fool has No JoyPastor Steven L. Anderson OFFICIAL RUMBLE
19 days agoFeb 18 - Proverb of the Day - He that is First in His Own Cause Seems JustPastor Steven L. Anderson OFFICIAL RUMBLE
17 days agoFeb 20 - Proverb of the Day - Draw Counsel Out of Wise MenPastor Steven L. Anderson OFFICIAL RUMBLE
1 month agoFeb 7 - Proverb of the Day - Bind Gods Laws Upon Your FingersPastor Steven L. Anderson OFFICIAL RUMBLE
1 month agoFeb 8 - Proverb of the Day - Gods Words are Plain to Those who UnderstandPastor Steven L. Anderson OFFICIAL RUMBLE
26 days agoFeb 11 - Proverb of the Day - He that Winneth Souls is WisePastor Steven L. Anderson OFFICIAL RUMBLE