5 days agoIt is out of God's LOVE for us that we ought to love ONE ANOTHER, and look out for each other!drock5690
18 days agoThe Wicked will have JUDGEMENT come upon them, because of their MISTREATMENT of God's People!drock5690
2 days agoYou are Blessed to be a Giver, and as YOU give, The LORD will BLESS You with more to Give!drock5690
8 days agoThe WORD of GOD should be treasured in your HEART, and will match your LOVE for Jesus!drock5690
7 days agoThere is a Process that the LORD does in your life, and then a purifying one when JESUS Returns!drock5690
11 days agoWicked People have twisted the truth of God's Word, and expect to get away with what they have done!drock5690
6 days agoDid YOU know that the ANTICHRIST Spirit will deny that Jesus walked the Earth in the Flesh?drock5690
12 days agoYou are a WITNESS to what the LORD Jesus has done in your life, & give You prophetic words to Speak!drock5690
19 days agoBeing a Friend to the World's agenda will open up attacks from the Devil in your life!drock5690
15 days agoThe LORD Jesus is our example when others mistreat us, and who to go when YOU need healing!drock5690
13 days agoDon't act SURPRISED when unusual Persecution comes your way, because the LORD is with YOU!drock5690
1 month agoStudy the Word of God to prove to him that he can Use YOU, and avoid worldly chatter!drock5690