Yuval Noah Harari | "Artificial Intelligence Is Different It Can Take Power Away from Us. What Happens When A.I. Can Create Deep Fakes of Your Everything, Your Voice, Your Image, the Way You Talk, the Type of Words You Use?"
Canada | "I Think Canada Would Be Much Better Off Being the 51st State Because We Lose $200 Billion Per Year w/ Canada & I'm Not Going to Let That Happen. Why Are We Paying $200 Billion Essentially In Subsidy to Canada?"
Yuval Noah Harari | Klaus Schwab Lead Advisor | "What Happens On the Level of a Society When You Have Something Like the Chinese Social Credit System When Everybody Is Monitored All the Time?"
Monkeypox | WHO Declares Monkeypox Outbreak a Public Health Emergency!!! How Did the Gates-Funded Nuclear Threat Initiative Know This Would Happen In March of 2021?
Alex Jones | "What I really need because it's real and it's paramount, it's central, is your prayer for God's will to be done, because I want to continue Infowars. The subterfuge makes what happened at Project Veritas look tame.&