1 year agoDANA WHITE shuts down CRITICS for ACCUSING him of neglecting the UFC for Power Slap!!!PowerSLAPmedia
3 years agoMuseum of Modern Art New York MOMA NYC Crackhead Jesus is Coming Sticker Slap Guerrilla Art ExhibitVictorHugoArt
2 years agoSlap and Die_Chris Rock vs Will Smith aka Pinkett Tutu LOL_“Life is good. I got my hearing back.”WhiMISTERELIOTT
1 year agoDamien Dibbell ‘ANNIHILATES’ Duane ‘iron giant’ Crespo !! Dibbell WINNER by KNOCKOUT !!PowerSLAPmedia
26 days agoColonel Thomas X. Hammes – Jesuit Lecture at Georgetown in 2006 – “True Believers” Are DangerousWaking the World up
2 years agoSoulja Boy Reacts to Will Smith Slapping Chris Rock Willow Songwriter Disses NBA For Writing ClaimsMISTERELIOTT
1 year agoJohn Davis VS Azael Rodriguez !! Davis WINNER by KNOCKOUT to become MIDDLEWEIGHT CHAMP!!!PowerSLAPmedia
1 year agoRobert Trujillo READY to sign for UFC - “ Dana White, put me on, I’ll be a two sport ATHLETE “PowerSLAPmedia