10 days ago【PT】EUA investigam como o PCC usou investidores para roubar propriedade intelectualGloryMifan2
11 months agoWhy has the U.S. been consistently talking about banning TikTok without taking sufficient action?GloryTeam7
10 months agoMatthew Pottinger: American companies have invested in Chinese companies tied to the PLAGloryMifan
12 days agoUS Agency Investigating How CCP Used Venture Capitalists to Steal Intellectual PropertyGloryMifan
11 days agoWarroom: The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) uses venture capitalists to steal intellectual propertyHimalayaMos
10 months agoThe Shadow Government of the United States: #SequoiaCapital ( #NeilShen) and #PAG 🌚🧛👤NFSC 🔥 · Himalaya Quantum
1 year ago刚刚:众议院特别委员会调查针对与中共有关系的公司的中国威胁,却忽视了风险投资公司调查中的最大威胁——红杉资本。 研究显示,他们是麦卡锡和麦康奈尔获胜政治行动委员会的最大共一灯能除千年暗 一智能灭万年愚
1 year ago班农先生曾经在“战斗室“节目中透露美国联邦机构早已掌握沈南鹏和红杉资本的犯罪证据,但是至今仍然没有采取行动,是因为司法部阻止调查。美国的司法体系联邦机构已经被中共武器化了一灯能除千年暗 一智能灭万年愚