2 years agoDr Nasser deixa claro - Não vacinem os vossos filhos!QueroEmigrar - Porque Emigrar Não é Esquecer
2 years agoDr. Meryl Nass: More COVID Vaccine Deaths Reported to VAERS than All Other Vaccines | TEASERAmerican Thought LeadersVerified
10 months agoActivist recounts experience of mass graves found at Gaza’s Nasser hospital in Khan YounisBiological Medicine
3 years agoJosé Nasser: shedding, derramamento das proteínas Spikes causa doença priônicaVerdade Verdadeiramente Verdadeira True Truly Truth
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5 months agoHouthi govt’s Defence Minister Mohammed Nasser Al-Atafi issued a warning to Israel.Anilnotiyaal
6 months agoIbrahim Al-Nasser wins Guiness record he's connected 400 different games consoles to one TVAMERICAXPOSED
3 years agoShady Nasser Admits Muslims 'Cherry-picked' their Sources to defend the Quran by Jai ApologeticsDCCIMinistries