9 months agoLara Logan and Alex Jones Denounce Climate Change Concerns as 'Mass Delusion'shred15Verified
2 years agoWe can fix climate change by reducing the earth’s populationRussia Ukraine UpdatesVerified
2 years agoEarth's CORE has Stop Spinning - Climate Change is a Coverup for Earth's COREToilet Time TV
2 years agoWEF Witch - Fix climate change by reducing the earth’s population by about 7 & a half billion peopleFree Your Mind Videos
3 months agoBill Gates' Climate 'Solution': Chemical Clouds That Risk Famine, Floods, and Global ChaosRaw Media
1 year agoThis is a climate-change interpretive dance, created to cool the earth and raise awarenessInfoNews
8 months agoWe live in a 12 dimension hologram matrix.. Earth ain't round or flat.. It's BOTH & MORE! - LINKS!realbillyjones
1 month agoAI, wars and climate change mean it's later than ever on the 'Doomsday Clock'. NUCLEAR WEAPONS?!NewsNOW
2 years agoTucker Carlson went full scorched earth against the climate change narrativeAMERICAEXPOSED
6 months agoBill Gates Backs Solar Geo-Engineering to Cool Earth, But Risks Include Mass Famine and DroughtRaw Media