New UK Show called ‘Naked Education’ celebrates adults getting naked in front of children. The show says it is for “body positivity,” and not normalising pedophilia, of course.
Albert Burla, President and CEO of Pfizer, said this recently at the Economics Club of Chicago: “I really believe that better days $$$ are ahead because covid was a rehearsal for us"
Croatian MEP Mislav Kolakušić: "Today we are witnessing the burning of billions of doses of covid vaccines around the world because no one wants them. It would have been better if we burned them all immediately and thus saved Lives!
Liberal M.P. John McKay: Canada is UNDER Multiple Existential Threats by the CCP. - "It's in the police, it's in the universities, it's in the schools" it's everywere!
It Took Pfizer Over 100 Years to Surpass $40 Billion in Annual Revenue Before COVID - Ed Dowd. But just last year, in 2022, they surpassed $100 billion in revenue.
Bill Gates said Covid comes from bats 🦇 and it spreads because of climate change. He also warned that @ elonmusk is making misinformation on Twitter worse 🤡