Dr Jana Schmidt | "Compared To Those Who Didn't Eat Mushrooms, Those Who Ate Them 3x A Week, Their Immune Was 75% More Effective Than The Ones That Didn't."
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko | "Turn Away From Bad Is Very Simple. Don't Give In To The Fear. Don't Isolate Yourself From The People You Love And Don't Take The Death Shot."
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko | "All This Study Proved Is That If You Poison People They Die. They Used A Fraudulent Document To Be The Basis Of Taking Out A Medicine That Worked."
OBAMA | "I Was On Obama's Detail. Obama Had A Guy In His Circle. This Guy Was Caught Multiple Times Bringing Foreign Nationals Up to Secure Floors Where There We Documents Everywhere. Espionage Act Violations?" - Dan Bongino
Yuval Noah Harari | "We Are Probably One of the Last Generations of Homo Sapiens." - Yuval Noah Harari (A Lead Advisor to Klaus Schwab Who Is Praised by Obama, Zuckerberg and Gates)
Climate Change | "We Are Still 162 Million Tons Into It Every Single Day & the Accumulated Amount Is Now Trapping As Much Extra Heat As Would Released By 600K Hiroshima Class Atomic Bombs Exploding Every Single Day On the Earth."-Al Gore
Liz Crokin | "Bill Clinton Actually Acknowledged, In His Own Book, That Him And Hillary Went To Haiti, They Took A Brief Course In Voodoo, And Sat In On A Voodoo Ritual Where A Woman Was Screaming And Bit Off The Head Of A Live Chicken."
Christiane Northrup | "The Spike Protein In Itself Creates The Disease. There are 50 Billion Spike Proteins In Every Shot. They're Putting The Bioweapon In You."