1. 349. Underfitting and Overfitting for Classification | Skyhighes | Data Science

    349. Underfitting and Overfitting for Classification | Skyhighes | Data Science

  2. 429. Business Case Testing the Model | Skyhighes | Data Science

    429. Business Case Testing the Model | Skyhighes | Data Science

  3. 216. Creating a Summary Table with P-values | Skyhighes | Data Science

    216. Creating a Summary Table with P-values | Skyhighes | Data Science

  4. 211. Multiple Linear Regression with sklearn | Skyhighes | Data Science

    211. Multiple Linear Regression with sklearn | Skyhighes | Data Science

  5. 206. How are we Going to Approach this Section | Skyhighes | Data Science

    206. How are we Going to Approach this Section | Skyhighes | Data Science

  6. 297. Understanding Differences between Multinomial and Bernouilli Skyhighes | Data Science

    297. Understanding Differences between Multinomial and Bernouilli Skyhighes | Data Science

  7. 422. The Importance of Working with a Balanced Dataset | Skyhighes | Data Science

    422. The Importance of Working with a Balanced Dataset | Skyhighes | Data Science

  8. 508. Working with Methods in Python - Part II | Skyhighes | Data Science

    508. Working with Methods in Python - Part II | Skyhighes | Data Science

  9. 490. Deploying the 'absenteeism_module' - Part I | Skyhighes | Data Science

    490. Deploying the 'absenteeism_module' - Part I | Skyhighes | Data Science

  10. 321. Common Objective Functions L2-norm Loss | Skyhighes | Data Science

    321. Common Objective Functions L2-norm Loss | Skyhighes | Data Science

  11. 319. Graphical Representation of Simple Neural Networks | Skyhighes | Data Science

    319. Graphical Representation of Simple Neural Networks | Skyhighes | Data Science

  12. 317. The Linear Model with Multiple Inputs | Skyhighes | Data Science

    317. The Linear Model with Multiple Inputs | Skyhighes | Data Science

  13. 316. The Linear Model (Linear Algebraic Version) | Skyhighes | Data Science

    316. The Linear Model (Linear Algebraic Version) | Skyhighes | Data Science

  14. 443. Introduction to Terms with Multiple Meanings | Skyhighes | Data Science

    443. Introduction to Terms with Multiple Meanings | Skyhighes | Data Science

  15. 361. Learning Rate Schedules Visualized | Skyhighes | Data Science

    361. Learning Rate Schedules Visualized | Skyhighes | Data Science

  16. 195. Test for Significance of the Model (F-Test) | Skyhighes | Data Science

    195. Test for Significance of the Model (F-Test) | Skyhighes | Data Science

  17. 204. Making Predictions with the Linear Regression | Skyhighes | Data Science

    204. Making Predictions with the Linear Regression | Skyhighes | Data Science
