1. This writer thinks the fig tree is a forbidden fruit.

    This writer thinks the fig tree is a forbidden fruit.

  2. Please explain the Mercy Seat and where I can read about it?

    Please explain the Mercy Seat and where I can read about it?

  3. When we die we go straight to heaven. So why do we have the resurrection?

    When we die we go straight to heaven. So why do we have the resurrection?

  4. Please explain the parable of the fig tree. Where is it written? Matthew 13:28

    Please explain the parable of the fig tree. Where is it written? Matthew 13:28

  5. Please explain Matthew 24:40-41? I don't understand the one taken.

    Please explain Matthew 24:40-41? I don't understand the one taken.

  6. When Satan returns & we are brought up before him, can Satan hurt you in a flesh body?

    When Satan returns & we are brought up before him, can Satan hurt you in a flesh body?

  7. Where in Genesis does it say Adam & Eve sewed leaves together to cloth themselves? Gen 3:7

    Where in Genesis does it say Adam & Eve sewed leaves together to cloth themselves? Gen 3:7

  8. Is it wrong to pray to saints and ask to intercess for us?

    Is it wrong to pray to saints and ask to intercess for us?

  9. The Bible states we were created in our (plural) image when there was only 1 God?

    The Bible states we were created in our (plural) image when there was only 1 God?

  10. This writer is wondering why some people run to defend a rapist? Deut 22: 25-27 says a rapist dies.

    This writer is wondering why some people run to defend a rapist? Deut 22: 25-27 says a rapist dies.

  11. Could you please explain the creation of Adam & Eve? Are they Caucasian or people of color?

    Could you please explain the creation of Adam & Eve? Are they Caucasian or people of color?

  12. I would like to know what # in the Strongs Concordance is for (air) as you describe it?

    I would like to know what # in the Strongs Concordance is for (air) as you describe it?

  13. 3 different writers same subject. I know I've heard these before but stuck out to me this time.

    3 different writers same subject. I know I've heard these before but stuck out to me this time.

  14. During the end times, will there be new prophets, new doctrines and new covenants? where can I find?

    During the end times, will there be new prophets, new doctrines and new covenants? where can I find?

  15. What is the key of David? Also, who is Yeshuah?

    What is the key of David? Also, who is Yeshuah?

  16. If absent from this body is to be present with the Lord, why does thess 4:16 say the dead rise 1st?

    If absent from this body is to be present with the Lord, why does thess 4:16 say the dead rise 1st?

  17. Worshipping God Does Not Only Come from Praying & Fasting But Also From...

    Worshipping God Does Not Only Come from Praying & Fasting But Also From...
