Peter Navarro | “When I Sat Across From Fauci That Day, Here Is What He Knew. He Knew That Virus In All Probability Came From The Wuhan Lab. He Was Already Designing A Cover Up.” - Peter Navarro
Banking Collapse | "The Banks Are Being Collapsed. A Time Is Coming When People Are Expecting All Sorts of Promises to Be Kept And We Are Going to Have to Not Keep Them. The Going Direct Reset Is the Great Reset." - Catherine Austin Fitts
Artificial Intelligence | "A.I., Or the People And Companies Who Control the New A.I. Oracles Will Be Come EXTREMELY, EXTREMELY POWERFUL. What We Are Talking About Is Nothing Less the End of Human History." - Yuval Noah Harari
Universal Basic Income | "What to Do About Mass Unemployment, We Will Have to Have Some Massive Universal Basic Income." - Elon Musk + "What Do We Need Humans For? Keep Them Busy With Drugs and Computer Games." - Yuval Noah Harari
"Did you get lucky with the kill-jab?" Vaccines Kill. Vaccination muders rampant. Politicians cast into the Eternal Lake of Fire. God's Judgement Coming."