8 months agoWhile America is Partying and B.S-ing, Putin/Russia is getting ready for war VS USAWARRIORS4YAHAWASHI
5 months agoAmericans (including WOMEN) will be drafted to World War 3/HAVE NO HUSBANDWARRIORS4YAHAWASHI
1 year agoPrepare Slaughter for His Children for the Iniquity of their Fathers (“White People”)WARRIORS4YAHAWASHI
1 year agoPro Hamas Shouting F*** The Jews F*** their mothers F*** their daughters and Rape their DaughtersWARRIORS4YAHAWASHI
9 months agoMan has a dream of America is Babylon & Economical Collapse also UN Troops invade AmericaWARRIORS4YAHAWASHI
8 months agoAmerican women (your daughters, granddaughters, nieces, sisters etc) will be drafted too for WW3WARRIORS4YAHAWASHI