CBDCs | Carbon Footprint Trackers, Social Credit Scores & CBDCs | "We Need to PUNISH What We Want to Have Less of Through Carbon Pricing and So On." - Espen Barth Eide (Minister of Climate and Environment of Norway and Member of the World Ec
World Economic Forum 2023 Annual Meeting | "Using Consumer Wearable Devices Like EARBUDS We Can Pickup Emotional States, & Decode Faces That You Are Seeing In Your Mind." - Nita A. Farahany (Iranian-American Professor & WEF Member)
CBDC | "With a CBDC a Government Can Program Your Money. China Is One of the World Leaders In Creating Digital Currency, But They Are Also a Leader In Censorship."
CBDCs | "We Are On the Journey (To CBDCS) and the Journey Is Going to Happen." - Lieve Mostrey (The Chief Executive Officer of Euroclear and a member of the World Economic Forum)
CBDCs | World Economic Forum Meeting 2023 | "It Remains to Be Seen Exactly What Kind of Outcomes CBDCs Once Implemented Will Have." - Neha Narula Director, Digital Currency Initiative, MIT
CBDC | "Under the U.K.'s Presidency the Group of the World's Seven Most Advanced Economies, the G7 Is Launching a Set of Public Policy Principles for Retail Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)." - Rishi Sunak (PM of the U.K.)