The COVID "vaccines" made me question everything. I went back 30+ years in VAERS and was chilled by what I saw over and over again. - Was it really “SIDS” all these years or something else?
For the weekend of October 14th, the registered number of deaths in the UK was 14.9% above the five-year average. "Now, why isn't this being talked about?" asked Dr. John Campbell.
A Job Destroyer: The Speed of the Fourth Industrial Revolution Is 'Like a Tsunami' Klaus Schwab: "In Davos, for example, we are sometimes accused of rigorous globalization."
Australian Dr. David Nixon reveals his findings of nanotechnology inside the COVID-19 “vaccines”, as well as microtech, which is larger than previous nanotechnology findings inside the vials. He also discusses how protecting the vials inside a faraday
MYOCARDITIS; Numbers post injection up to 25,000 per million. Before covid Jabs were just 4 per million Dr. Peter McCullough; I saw a couple of cases in decades now I’m seeing it on a daily basis