Yuval Noah Harari | CHANGING the LAWS | "When You Realize That the Laws Governing Our Society They Are Not Eternal and They Are Just the Imagination of People, This Destabilizes Society...Punishing for Making Bad Decisions That Should Be Out."
CBDCs | "We Are About to Abandon the Tradition System of Accounting and Money." - Dr. Pippa Malmgren | "COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under Your Skin." - Yuval Noah Harari
Yuval Noah Harari | “Organisms Are Really Algorithms, And Therefore Algorithms Can Hack Organisms. Biological Knowledge Multiplied by Computing Power Multiplied by Data Equals the Ability to HACK HUMANS.”
Yuval Noah Harari | Elections & Voting Rights | "Think of the Potential Impact of Having a Scale of Consciousness Within Humanity Itself Which Places Some Humans or Some Feelings Above Other Humans and Others Feelings. What Will That Do to Voting
Yuval Noah Harari | "The Only Thing God Managed to Create Was Organic Beings, Trees, Giraffes and Humans. If We Succeed Then Very Soon We Will Be Beyond the God of the Bible."
PCR Tests | Doctor Kary Mullis Was Awarded a Nobel Prize for His Invention of the Polymerase Chain Reaction Test | A PCR Is a Method of Analysis & Wasn't Designed to Test for a Virus | "We PCR You Can Find Almost Anything In Anybody." -
Maui Fires | Olinda Fire Was Ignited At Approximately 10:47 PM On Aug 7th 2023. At This Exact Time CCP Satellite Labeled NORAD 53299 Was Directly Over the Location. Lahaina Fire Was Ignited At 6:37 AM On Aug. 8th. CCP Satellite NORAD 55836..."
COVID Vaccines | "I Regret Getting the Vaccine. For the First Time I Tested Positive for an Auto Immune Issue." - Megyn Kelly + "The Pfizer Vaccine Reverse Transcribes & Installs DNA Into the Human Genome." - Dr. Peter McCullough +
Liz Crokin | Learn More About the Indepedent Investigative Journalist Who Helped to Expose Epstein, Pizzagate, the Clintons, The White Rabbit, Satanic Hollywood & More At: https://twitter.com/LizCrokin & LizCrokin.net
COVID-19 | "Under Tony Fauci's Regimine We Are Going to Put You On a Ventilator Which Is Probably Going to Kill You and Remdesivir Which Is Probably Going to Kill You." - Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Klaus Schwab | Schwab Discusses The Club of Rome & His Work On Climate Change While Competing In Climate Change One-Upsmanship | "I"ve Worked On Climate Change Since 1973, I Was the Person Who Gave the Club of Rome the First Big Platform.&qu
Elon Musk, Klaus Schwab & Yuval Noah Harari | Why Do Elon Musk & Klaus Schwab Agree On Merging Man With Artificial Intelligence, Universal Basic Income, & Imposing Carbon Taxes?
The Big Guy | Does the Big Guy Have a Big Problem? "It Will Happen Sometime Between Labor Day And Halloween. This Tape Will Be Made Public. Once It Is Heard. Joe Biden Will Not Be Able to Remain a Candidate for Re-Election." - Greg Kelly (Newsma
Yuval Noah Harari | "The U.S. In November 2024 Is to Be Run By A.I." "A.I. Makes It Possible to Monitor What's Happening Inside Their Body." "People Like Stalin, or Hitler Wanted to Follow Everybody. Now It Can Be Done."