2 years agoCanada Removes All COVID Border Requirements for All Travelers Including Proof of VaccinationMyCatholicRedPill
1 year agoVaccine-triggered Autism costs the humankind $978,000,000,000 every 10 years - vaccines killHARPAXO
1 year agoDutch government to seize half the farmlands under the guise of nitrogen emissions - vaccines continue killing humansHARPAXO
2 years agoCORPSE COLLECTING ROBOTS ! (please see description for more links and info)MyCatholicRedPill
1 year agoChina can kill 10000 to 30000 people at a time; apartment blocks are instant mass-soul catchersHARPAXO
1 year agoC.o.v.ID be damned right now - demonically-possessed Copeland calls for a vaccination Mark of the Beast rolloutHARPAXO
1 year agolithium batteries explode; each explosion is a sudden lost-soul won for lucifer who lies in waitHARPAXO
2 years agoMUST SEE: Air Force Expels Master Sergeant for Refusing Experimental COVID VaccineMyCatholicRedPill