Channeler of The 9th Dimensional Pleiadians: How to Deal/Work with That Which You Don't Like—You Have a Right to Discerningly NOT Like it and Have it Leave Your Experience, BUT IF YOU JUDGE IT YOU'RE IN TROUBLE.. it Will Stay with You Forever!
🐉 NY Man OWNS Migrant Center Security W/ COOPERATION FROM COP. | #OwnThatSHADOW! If 8 Billion People Owned Their Shadow and Took Responsibility for Previous Choices & Created-Timeline They'd Reach 5D. PROPER Navigation of Shadow IS 5D!
2 Worlds Superimposed Over Each Other 🌎<–>🌎 Particularly Liked by Imbalanced "Love & Light'ers".. But Not Exclusively, of Course! —LOVE PROFUSION— | Madonna: Born 8/16/58 (Leo)
TRUMP READS (((VIBRATION))) | WE in 5D: This Could Even Repel a Supporter/Fan Who Believes in Grace Just a Little Too Much, BUT Here is Simple Truth... SURE, One CAN Shift Vibration/Change—FEW EVERRR DO #HowManyTimesHaveYouFuckedAroundAndFoundOut?
Toxic Positivity Vs. REAL Positivity (Denial/Shadow Vs. Acceptance/Ascension): THE RIGHT WAY to Handle That Which You Don’t Like! — Wendy Kennedy | WE in 5D: Applying This Will Help w/ How You Vibrationally Respond to Videos You Dislike on My Channel.
Illuminati Throws P Diddy Under the Buss as Feds Raid His Homes. One Wonders What the Attempted Optic is. This is the 3D—Justice isn't Given for the Sake of it; it's Given to Hide Larger Injustices OR IT'S GIVEN BY THE PEOPLE (Rare).
Because He Knows NONE of it’s Real—We’re Not Talking About ‘Q’ 🍿 Shows or Deep State Hoaxes, BUT THE ENTIRE EARTH CONSTRUCT PURPOSED FOR SCHOOLING. AND School is Near Done When You Realize Nothing is Real, But Your Experience/Collected Data!
EXPLAINED: "God Only Helps Those Who Helps Themselves" (Law of Attraction). You MUST Understand the Video Game Concept Younger Lightworkers Understand! Thoughts/Feeling are One Step. ACTION is Required.. Albeit Inspired Action. | WEin5D, Archaix