Fake Science | "The Report That Said There Would 500K Deaths In the U.K. & 2.2 Million Deaths In the U.S., They've Adjusted That Number In the U.K. to 20K. So Half a Million to 20K" + "I Knew These Vaccines Were Not Going to Protec
CRISPR | How Does CRISPR Work? How Does CRISPR Work? CRISPR 101 featuring: Elon Musk, Jennifer Doudna, Bill Gates, Dr Robert Malone and Dr Peter McCullough
JFK Jr. | What Is JFK Jr. Talking About?! "We Happen to Have Someone Who Sent Us Monica Lewinsky's Poem She Wrote When She Was a 9 Yr Old...I Can Be a Delicious Lunch, Dinner or Breakfast, A Round And Flat Piece of Dough with Lots of Topping.&qu
Climate Change | "We Partnered with Google for Example. We Own the Science And We Think the World Should Know It." Melissa Fleming (Under Secretary General of U.N.) + "Science Is Not About Truth, It's About Power." - Yuval Noah Ha
Climate Change | "Climate Change Affects Inflation, And Inflation Is the BEAST That All Central Bankers Want to Tame And Discipline." - Christine Lagarde | "To Prevent the Apocalypse We Will Need to Impose Some New Taxes." - Yuval Noah
Yuval Noah Harari | "Why Did Christianity Take Over the Roman Empire & Then Became the Dominant Religion In Most of the World, I Think It Was Random & It Was Chance." - Yuval Noah Harari