1 year ago22-year-old woman horrifically scarred by VAXX poison induced Stevens-Johnson SyndromeBiological Medicine
3 months ago22-year-old woman horrifically scarred by VAXX poison induced Stevens-Johnson SyndromeConcerned for Truth
2 years agoDailyDaamn 10-5-22 ‘Sell your soul to the devil’ (?) - @DaamnTalk - #soulful #Soul -short episodic videos highlighting intriguing happenings on a semi-regular basis. It's also a community held at locals . com
2 years ago#DailyDaamn 8-24-22 - Lidia Thorpe 'SAID WHAT!?' about Queen Elizabeth !? - #DaamnTalk #DTDJOshort episodic videos highlighting intriguing happenings on a semi-regular basis. It's also a community held at locals . com
10 months agoDoris Kearns Goodwin: Trump Supporters ‘Lost the Sense of a Collective Identity of Who We Are as a People’GrabienVerified
2 years agoDailyDaamn 8-10-22 - ‘We’re not biologists…’ @Michael Knowles (on) DTDJØ @DaamnTalk (DontJustObey)short episodic videos highlighting intriguing happenings on a semi-regular basis. It's also a community held at locals . com
2 years agoDailyDaamn 8-12-22 - @Nermak Black 'The Same Daamn Demons' -NEW 'NermakMuzik' only @DaamnTalk DTDJØshort episodic videos highlighting intriguing happenings on a semi-regular basis. It's also a community held at locals . com
2 years agoDr Jordan Peterson (JP) - #DailyDaamn (DiffNews) @DaamnTalk - "Where People Proceed Information"short episodic videos highlighting intriguing happenings on a semi-regular basis. It's also a community held at locals . com
2 years agoDailyDaamn 10-17-22 @SherryShriner Conspiracy Theory ‘entertaining’ (not ‘Truth’) @Vice - @DaamnTalkshort episodic videos highlighting intriguing happenings on a semi-regular basis. It's also a community held at locals . com
2 years agoDailyDaamn 8-27-22 - ‘not the biggest Shapiro fan’@Ben Shapiro @DaamnTalk victimblaming #DTDJØshort episodic videos highlighting intriguing happenings on a semi-regular basis. It's also a community held at locals . com