3 years ago#supermariomaker2 Puzzle Solving! (full vid on my YouTube channel) #shorts #nintendoswitchGo4TheGoldy
2 years agoWhat turns everything around but does not move? #riddles #riddlemethis #riddlemethatLookinEre
2 years agoI am overlooked by everyone but everyone has me #riddles #riddlemethat #riddlemethisLookinEre
2 years agoToday is Monday. What day of the week will it be 61 days from today? #riddlemethis #riddlemethatLookinEre
2 months agoNa-hyae The Kid Solving a Problem ghost/lore White Day: A Labyrinth Named Schoolcatherinne
2 years agoWe are two brothers on opposite sides of the road, but we never see each other.Who are we?LookinEre