2 years agoChannel announcement. Please be patient #Shorts #Announcement #ChannelNews #Knives #EDCI #KnifeCRAZY SHARP
2 years agoKnives-custom handmade by me versus production #Shorts #Knives #Knife #KnifeLife #CustomKnifeCRAZY SHARP
2 years agoKnife stuff- thumb studs vs flipper #Shorts #Knives #KnifeStuff #knifeKnowledge #KnifeSharpeningCRAZY SHARP
2 years agoKnives-When you visit a knife collectors house#Shorts #knives #knife #knifelife #knifecollectionCRAZY SHARP
3 years agoWhy do I carry a knife part three… Titanium carbon fiber and super steel… #Shorts #Knife #KnifeLifeCRAZY SHARP
2 years agoEDC folding knives, what’s the strongest lock #Shorts #Knives #KnifeKnowledge #KnifeSharpening #EDCCRAZY SHARP
2 years agoKnives- what is a tactical knife #Shorts #Knives #KnifeLife #Knife #TacticalKnifeCRAZY SHARP
2 years agoKnives- fixed blade vs folder. #Shorts #Knife #Knives #KnifeLife #knifeknowlegeCRAZY SHARP
2 years agoKnives- ease of disassembly and maintenance #Shorts #Knives #Knife #KnifeLife #KnifeKnowledgeCRAZY SHARP
2 years agoKnives- bearings and washers #Shorts #Knife #Knives #KnifeLife #KnifeKnowledgeCRAZY SHARP