1. Jesus RESCUED, and REDEEMED Us from the power of HELL, so that we could exist IN him!

    Jesus RESCUED, and REDEEMED Us from the power of HELL, so that we could exist IN him!

  2. Jesus offers a better ministry than any other Priest or Minister of the Gospel can offer YOU!

    Jesus offers a better ministry than any other Priest or Minister of the Gospel can offer YOU!

  3. People will be seduced by Evil and mislead by LIES and Error by the Coming of the AntiChrist!

    People will be seduced by Evil and mislead by LIES and Error by the Coming of the AntiChrist!

  4. Did you know that the LORD takes delight in YOU when You are a generous giver?

    Did you know that the LORD takes delight in YOU when You are a generous giver?

  5. Walking in LOVE and continual thankfulness to GOD will help you from going down the path of sin!

    Walking in LOVE and continual thankfulness to GOD will help you from going down the path of sin!

  6. The LOVE that YOU extend to others can entertain the Kingdom of Heaven wherever you are!

    The LOVE that YOU extend to others can entertain the Kingdom of Heaven wherever you are!

  7. The Word of the LORD is going to keep YOU on Course, and not zigzag towards the AntiChrist Agenda!

    The Word of the LORD is going to keep YOU on Course, and not zigzag towards the AntiChrist Agenda!

  8. Angels will accompany YOU, and You don't have to seek after them, but the LORD Jesus alone!

    Angels will accompany YOU, and You don't have to seek after them, but the LORD Jesus alone!

  9. You can have CONFIDENCE by entering into the place where JESUS is by his BLOOD alone!

    You can have CONFIDENCE by entering into the place where JESUS is by his BLOOD alone!

  10. The order of Melchizedek is a CONTINUATION of the Sacrifice of the LORD Jesus for YOU and I!

    The order of Melchizedek is a CONTINUATION of the Sacrifice of the LORD Jesus for YOU and I!

  11. Comfort Comes to YOU, as You hear about and see your brothers and sisters living for the LORD Jesus!

    Comfort Comes to YOU, as You hear about and see your brothers and sisters living for the LORD Jesus!

  12. The house that we build our legacy for should have its foundation on the LORD Jesus!

    The house that we build our legacy for should have its foundation on the LORD Jesus!

  13. Your Heavenly Father not ONLY wants you to live a disciplined lifestyle, but he wants YOU healed!

    Your Heavenly Father not ONLY wants you to live a disciplined lifestyle, but he wants YOU healed!

  14. The Salvation of Souls is why we PRAY for other people to KNOW Jesus!

    The Salvation of Souls is why we PRAY for other people to KNOW Jesus!

  15. Did YOU know that the ANTICHRIST Spirit will deny that Jesus walked the Earth in the Flesh?

    Did YOU know that the ANTICHRIST Spirit will deny that Jesus walked the Earth in the Flesh?

  16. The Judgement seat of Christ is real, and so is being a new creation in Jesus!

    The Judgement seat of Christ is real, and so is being a new creation in Jesus!

  17. God doesn't show favoritism, and he doesn't want YOU poor. But, RICH!

    God doesn't show favoritism, and he doesn't want YOU poor. But, RICH!

  18. The LORD who created YOU, also has a purpose for you in this hour we're living in!

    The LORD who created YOU, also has a purpose for you in this hour we're living in!

  19. The Vengeance of the LORD is coming for those WHO created distress, didn't KNOW God & remained Idle!

    The Vengeance of the LORD is coming for those WHO created distress, didn't KNOW God & remained Idle!

  20. Jesus took on the suffering of humanity, so that by his GRACE we could live for HIM!

    Jesus took on the suffering of humanity, so that by his GRACE we could live for HIM!

  21. Use Discernment over Receiving PROPHETIC Words about the AntiChrist and Return of JESUS!

    Use Discernment over Receiving PROPHETIC Words about the AntiChrist and Return of JESUS!

  22. The LORD will Protect YOU from the Evil One, as You Continue to Speak the WORD of the Lord!

    The LORD will Protect YOU from the Evil One, as You Continue to Speak the WORD of the Lord!

  23. You can RECEIVE Messages from the LORD, as YOU are a Student of the Word!

    You can RECEIVE Messages from the LORD, as YOU are a Student of the Word!

  24. The LORD will Allow People to be led by the wicked Agenda of AntiChrist, instead of following Jesus!

    The LORD will Allow People to be led by the wicked Agenda of AntiChrist, instead of following Jesus!

  25. The Holy Spirit can guide YOU through these DANGEROUS times by the POWER of the WORD of GOD!

    The Holy Spirit can guide YOU through these DANGEROUS times by the POWER of the WORD of GOD!
