4 months agoJesus RESCUED, and REDEEMED Us from the power of HELL, so that we could exist IN him!drock5690
3 months agoJesus offers a better ministry than any other Priest or Minister of the Gospel can offer YOU!drock5690
4 months agoPeople will be seduced by Evil and mislead by LIES and Error by the Coming of the AntiChrist!drock5690
4 months agoWalking in LOVE and continual thankfulness to GOD will help you from going down the path of sin!drock5690
3 months agoThe LOVE that YOU extend to others can entertain the Kingdom of Heaven wherever you are!drock5690
4 months agoThe Word of the LORD is going to keep YOU on Course, and not zigzag towards the AntiChrist Agenda!drock5690
3 months agoAngels will accompany YOU, and You don't have to seek after them, but the LORD Jesus alone!drock5690
3 months agoYou can have CONFIDENCE by entering into the place where JESUS is by his BLOOD alone!drock5690
3 months agoThe order of Melchizedek is a CONTINUATION of the Sacrifice of the LORD Jesus for YOU and I!drock5690
4 months agoComfort Comes to YOU, as You hear about and see your brothers and sisters living for the LORD Jesus!drock5690
3 months agoThe house that we build our legacy for should have its foundation on the LORD Jesus!drock5690
3 months agoYour Heavenly Father not ONLY wants you to live a disciplined lifestyle, but he wants YOU healed!drock5690
2 months agoDid YOU know that the ANTICHRIST Spirit will deny that Jesus walked the Earth in the Flesh?drock5690
5 months agoThe LORD who created YOU, also has a purpose for you in this hour we're living in!drock5690
4 months agoThe Vengeance of the LORD is coming for those WHO created distress, didn't KNOW God & remained Idle!drock5690
3 months agoJesus took on the suffering of humanity, so that by his GRACE we could live for HIM!drock5690
4 months agoUse Discernment over Receiving PROPHETIC Words about the AntiChrist and Return of JESUS!drock5690
4 months agoThe LORD will Protect YOU from the Evil One, as You Continue to Speak the WORD of the Lord!drock5690
4 months agoThe LORD will Allow People to be led by the wicked Agenda of AntiChrist, instead of following Jesus!drock5690
4 months agoThe Holy Spirit can guide YOU through these DANGEROUS times by the POWER of the WORD of GOD!drock5690