6 months agoRobert Kennedy the full blown Zionist - Whenever people need a hero we shall supply him Albert PikeGlobal_communist_takeover1
2 months agoUS government says the Golan Heights its not israel's to keep bibi the Golan Heights is ours foreverGlobal_communist_takeover1
6 months agonow it's illegal to wear masks in New York because of anti-Semitism facial recognition camerasGlobal_communist_takeover1
4 months agoActor Elon musk's agrees Donald trump's operation warp speed was a psyopGlobal_communist_takeover1
7 months agoSenator in France wanted to film the immigrants occupying the church there handlers get in the wayGlobal_communist_takeover1
3 months agosolar radiation management in the UK blocking out the sun the Grand solar maximumGlobal_communist_takeover1
3 months agoAOC claims banning men from using the girls’ bathroom endangers girls lol look how she walks offGlobal_communist_takeover1
3 months agozion don appoints Big Pharma shill Dr. Oz to lead Centers for Medicare and Medicaid ServicesGlobal_communist_takeover1
2 months agoRabbis have visited the newly captured Syrian territories and discuss plans to build settlementsGlobal_communist_takeover1
2 months agovideo of Soluiman Al Assad, Bashar's cousin, being hanged in a public square in LatakiaGlobal_communist_takeover1
1 year agoClairemont Living - Single Family Home - Find Your Next Home in Southern California to BuySan Diego Real Estate
9 months agoLook at these fat lazy EMT in New York… “helping” a stroke victim.Global_communist_takeover1
8 months agoALDI the supermarket chain is considering selling edible insects to help families afford proteinGlobal_communist_takeover1