The Lancet accusa gli USA di ostacolare la ricerca sulle origini del covid-19.La rivista ha precedentemente indicato che il virus del covid-19 potrebbe essere(è,ndr) stato fatto in un biolaboratorio utilizzando la tecnologia statunitense.
CBDC | "This Is a New Form of Money." + "Money Is Evolving from a Very Binary to a Very Complicated & Intelligent Thing We Call Smart Money." - Gilbert Verdian (Quant.Network) | "AI Takes Over More of the Action It Will Be Too
(BREAK) Even though IT'S been used like TOILET PAPER 🧻 I still do beleive in my personal right Of CHOICE! - SEE HOW THE FUCKED YOU IN THE DESCRIPTION 👀👇
moderna ceo: 'we took just 2 days to make the vaccine on the computer' - Because it is a software program not a 'vaccine' and the Proteins are the CPU's
Yuval Noah Harari | "Millions and Millions of Artificial Intelligence Bureaucrats Making Decisions from Whether to Give Us a Loan to Whether to Bomb Our House." - Yuval Noah Harari (October 11th 2024)