1. "He Lives" hymn sung at Castleberry Baptist Church on 4/9/2023.

    "He Lives" hymn sung at Castleberry Baptist Church on 4/9/2023.

  2. Father, who on Man dost Shower (Quem Pastores)

    Father, who on Man dost Shower (Quem Pastores)

  3. O Christ, our Hope, our Heart’s Desire (Manoah)

    O Christ, our Hope, our Heart’s Desire (Manoah)

  4. Bread of Heav’n, on Thee I Feed (Nicht So Traurig)

    Bread of Heav’n, on Thee I Feed (Nicht So Traurig)

  5. The Day Draws on with Golden Light (Federal Street)

    The Day Draws on with Golden Light (Federal Street)

  6. Lord, in this Thy Mercy’s Day (Holy Ghost)

    Lord, in this Thy Mercy’s Day (Holy Ghost)

  7. O Christ, Our Joy, to Whom is Given (Warrington)

    O Christ, Our Joy, to Whom is Given (Warrington)

  8. His Cheering Message from the Grave (Arizona)

    His Cheering Message from the Grave (Arizona)

  9. Eternal Monarch, King Most High (Deus Tuorum Militum)

    Eternal Monarch, King Most High (Deus Tuorum Militum)

  10. O Christ, our Hope, our Heart’s Desire (Bradford)

    O Christ, our Hope, our Heart’s Desire (Bradford)

  11. The Day Draws on with Golden Light (Wareham)

    The Day Draws on with Golden Light (Wareham)

  12. O Thou, From Whom All Goodness Flows (Beatitudo)

    O Thou, From Whom All Goodness Flows (Beatitudo)

  13. Now is the Healing Time Decreed (Babylon's Streams)

    Now is the Healing Time Decreed (Babylon's Streams)

  14. His Cheering Message from the Grave (Appleton)

    His Cheering Message from the Grave (Appleton)