1. Creative Mom Makes A Kiddie Pool From A Shower Curtain

    Creative Mom Makes A Kiddie Pool From A Shower Curtain

  2. In Lebanon, just like in Gaza - Kids oomph are also weapons and ammunition storage rooms. Disturbing

    In Lebanon, just like in Gaza - Kids oomph are also weapons and ammunition storage rooms. Disturbing

  3. Why is Israel fighting? The Barbarians took kids hostages after killing their parents. That's why!

    Why is Israel fighting? The Barbarians took kids hostages after killing their parents. That's why!

  4. UK: I guess behind the scenes they do have some brain cells left...

    UK: I guess behind the scenes they do have some brain cells left...

  5. You only get upset when the Jews do something. Otherwise you don't really care for any other Muslims

    You only get upset when the Jews do something. Otherwise you don't really care for any other Muslims

  6. When we did nothing they asked: Why did you walk like sheep. Now they say: You're doing too much.

    When we did nothing they asked: Why did you walk like sheep. Now they say: You're doing too much.

  7. Rittenhouse Prosecutor Shocks Everyone With What He Does With AR-15 in Court

    Rittenhouse Prosecutor Shocks Everyone With What He Does With AR-15 in Court

  8. Muslims DO NOT love other Muslims! They have no love for the "Palestinian" people!

    Muslims DO NOT love other Muslims! They have no love for the "Palestinian" people!

  9. $10,000 and an Apartment - For Every Jew you Kiddenap! Wouldn't you do it?

    $10,000 and an Apartment - For Every Jew you Kiddenap! Wouldn't you do it?

  10. Drag Queen against appropriate education for kids, but Pro-Hamas and Terrorism!

    Drag Queen against appropriate education for kids, but Pro-Hamas and Terrorism!

  11. What do Muslims refer to as "The Final Strike"?

    What do Muslims refer to as "The Final Strike"?

  12. Brooklyn first graders get a Pride Month lesson in preferred gender pronouns

    Brooklyn first graders get a Pride Month lesson in preferred gender pronouns

  13. I too am VERY disappointed with Celebrity and business leading Jews that do not SPEAK UP!

    I too am VERY disappointed with Celebrity and business leading Jews that do not SPEAK UP!

  14. Why I moved to Orange County! Things to do in Orange County, CA 2023 I Disneyland Angels Beach..

    Why I moved to Orange County! Things to do in Orange County, CA 2023 I Disneyland Angels Beach..

  15. Can you find your daughter in this graduation ceremony? Hint: I think she's wearing black...

    Can you find your daughter in this graduation ceremony? Hint: I think she's wearing black...

  16. Do you want this in the streets of NY? LA? Seattle? Las Vegas? WAKE UP! It is closer than you think!

    Do you want this in the streets of NY? LA? Seattle? Las Vegas? WAKE UP! It is closer than you think!

  17. Nikki Haley - If it was the KKK on college campuses All these president would be up in arms!

    Nikki Haley - If it was the KKK on college campuses All these president would be up in arms!

  18. It all because of the Politicians! We have got to do something about it!

    It all because of the Politicians! We have got to do something about it!

  19. How many more warnings do you need before you wake up?

    How many more warnings do you need before you wake up?
