1. I bought supplements and they need a certificate showing that we are exempt

    I bought supplements and they need a certificate showing that we are exempt

  2. Thoughts about churches needing to fulfill the needs of the community

    Thoughts about churches needing to fulfill the needs of the community

  3. The PayPal letter template How does it translate in Austrailian terms

    The PayPal letter template How does it translate in Austrailian terms

  4. How does the EIN from the Foundation translate into Austrailian terms

    How does the EIN from the Foundation translate into Austrailian terms

  5. What does a member do about removing themself from the Office of the Person and still getting mail

    What does a member do about removing themself from the Office of the Person and still getting mail

  6. Will I need an Attorney to help me answer questions within the Foundation Charter

    Will I need an Attorney to help me answer questions within the Foundation Charter

  7. Are there major things you should not do when you become a state Citizen

    Are there major things you should not do when you become a state Citizen
