"In Assigning of Fiduciary, VA Must Also Report the Beneficiary to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, As Under the Law They Are Adjudicated As Mentally Defective. This Reporting Prevents the Beneficiary from Purchasing a Firearm.&
This Officer deserves our Share 🆘 #ottawa police officer calls for the chief to resign after investigating the #ConvoyToOttawa2022 protesters Welcome to the right side of history good sir 👊🏻🇨🇦
Seth Holehouse | "I Was With This Guy Scott Kesterson BardsFM And This Man Named General Flynn And Both Of Them Kept Talking About The Importance Of Stepping Forward"
Illuminati Media Admits Trump's Transition is Getting Rave Reviews From The American Public—Ultimately in Hopes You'll Join Them to Stop President Trump!