These Genuine Tears is What Gains This Clip Any Attention Here, Reflecting Back at Humanity (Politics Irrelevant) its AVERAGE/Widespread False Beliefs Generated From Fear—Thus Beliefs/Questions are Born of False Premises, and it'll TRIP YOU UP!
Thomas Massie, The ONLY Representative [Republican or Democrat] w/out an AIPAC Israeli Puppeteer Behind Them (Are We FUCK!NG Serious w/ That⁉️) Calls Out CLASSIC Illuminati Christmas Manipulation! — THIS is How We Got The Federal Reserve in 1913!
Never EVER Let a Sold Soul Step Away with Their Illuminati Propaganda/Lies as if Real. SQUASH THEM. Embarrass Them. WHY Should They You? | President Trump Destroys Bloomberg Editor in Chief to His Face—And the Audience is Loving it!
NEVER Give RiffRaff the Time of Day Until They Return to Their Authenticity. Until Then They Are Non-Existent! #DELETE | Radio Host GOES OFF on Propagandist Reporter, Gives the Facts, and LEAVES (Just as He Should!)
The Illuminati Tell Us of What They're Doing (Just as They're Supposed to as Per Universal Law So That We Can Consent by Doing Nothing as We Usually Do), They Carry Out Their Agenda, and They Succeed! Ready for a Change Yet?