3 months agoPeskov explained why Durov was not detained in Russia. “Terrorists use Telegram. But they also use cars. Why aren’t they arresting the CEO of Renault or Citroen?”teddolbi
5 months agoRussian Warships Carrying Nukes Arrive in Cuba as US Authorized Strikes Inside Russia!Truths UnlimitedVerified
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13 days ago[upcoming] Flat Earth meetup West UK November 26th, 2024 with virtual Jeranism & Austin Witsit ✅markksargent
14 days agoKamala on the cover of Vogue four weeks before election: A David Weiss creation ✅markksargent
12 days ago[archive] Flat Earth meetup Salton Sea California March 16, 2019 with Thrive & Survive ✅markksargent