The Vaccine Spreaders of Misinformation: Bill Gates, Fauci & Company Deserve to Be Laughed At If you want to help wake some people up, please share to help this go viral. the quicker the public sees these people as clowns, not experts!
Silicon Valley Bank | "It's Important That People Understand They Can Be Bailed In, But You Don't Want a HUGE Run On the Institution, But, There Are Going to Be." - FDIC (11/22) Fact: FDIC Insures $9 Trillion of Bank Deposits w/ $125 B
Rallies in Rome. People marched through the streets demanding the country's exit from the EU and NATO, as well as the lifting of anti-Russian sanctions.
Orthopaedic Surgeon, Dr Ahmad Malik: "Young fit people suddbely dying, strokes, heart attacks, unusual clots, cancers, is it all random? Could it be due to the mass experiment that has been carried out on humanity?
Parasite-infested insects bred abroad, mixed into our food as flour. Forbidden as feed for farm animals, the people are supposed to eat it dutifully! "One mess after another"
Yuval Noah Harari | "Many of Things I Talk About And People In the West React With Apprehension and FEAR, In CHINA the Reaction to Exactly the Same Topic Is EXCITEMENT! WOW We Can Do That!!!" - Yuval Noah Harari (Lead Klaus Schwab Advisor)
The Great Reset | "If A Billion People Stop Eating Meat It Has a Huge Impact." - Jim Hageman Snabe, the Chairman At Siemans (Speaking At the 2023 World Economic Forum Annual Meeting)